Tour Description:
Amenities such as kayaks, paddle boards, and bicycles** are subject to availability.
Don't forget: Towel, hat, and sunscreen.
BUFFET: Snacks (nachos, pizza, tostadas, pasta, fish, etc.), Grill (chicken, beef, and hot dogs), Tacos (cochinita, pastor, fried fish, and chicken fajitas), Salad bar, Dressings, and Dessert (fruits and rice pudding).
PREMIUM OPEN BAR: Ron, vodka, tequila, beer, juice, water, and soda. (Frozen cocktails only at the beach club) Infants under 5 years old travel for FREE. Snorkeling at the reef if weather conditions permit (Snorkeling has restrictions due to a minimum age of 8)
Marina Albatros: Km 3.5 Zona Hotelera, next to Temptation hotel
Marina Hacienda del Mar: Km 1.5, Carretera Punta Sam, Puerto Juárez
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